Nucleus Principalis Precommissuralis

The results show that a sparse and diffuse projection to the red nucleus arises from deep regions of the hyperstriatum accessorium (HA) of the anterior Wulst, and that a much more dense projection arises from the caudal part of the nucleus principalis precommissuralis and the medial part of the medial spiriform nucleus (SpMm).  

Cholinergic fibers and processes, but no cells, were present in the nucleus principalis precommissuralis, the supraoptic decussation, and the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, pars magnocellularis.  

Based on cytoarchitectural and HRP results, the pretectum of the adult hen was divided into the following eight nuclei: nucleus principalis pretectalis (P), nucleus subpretectalis (SP), nucleus principalis precommissuralis (PPC), nucleus medialis pretectalis (PTM), nucleus pretectalis dorsalis (APd), nucleus area pretectalis (AP), nucleus spiriformis lateralis (SPL), and nucleus spiriformis medialis (SPM).  

The ascending system projects upon the red nucleus and the dorsally adjacent interstitial nucleus of Cajal and midbrain central grey, the prerubral fields continuing into the stratum cellulare externum, the nucleus intercalatus thalami, the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus, the medial spiriform nucleus, the nucleus principalis precommissuralis, the nucleus of the basal optic root, the nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars ventralis, the dorsolateral thalamus, including the dorsal intermediate posterior, and the dorsolateral intermediate and anterior nuclei.  

These targets include the inferior olive, the cerebellum, the lateral pontine nucleus, the nucleus papillioformis, the nucleus of the basal optic root, the nucleus mesencephalicus profundus, pars ventralis, the nucleus principalis precommissuralis, and the stratum cellulare externum.  

Microelectrode recording in the thalamus of pigeons subjected to tilt and sinusoidal rotational stimuli around the vertical, longitudinal and transversal axes revealed vestibularly driven units in two thalamic nuclei, the nucleus posteroventralis and the nucleus principalis precommissuralis.  

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